‘Illness’ at the commission meeting is just an excuse

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Attorney says it’s gerrymandering to protect his house from seizure

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Less than three weeks after they filed a federal lawsuit seeking $28 million in damages for being shut down by Miami code enforcement at the behest of City Commissioner Joe Carollo, Little Havana’s iconic Ball & Chain bar and lounge announced on Tuesday it would reopen soon.

Anyone really think that’s a coincidence?

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Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo‘s war on the new police chief is having all kinds of fallout effects, including two new lawsuits against the city that are a direct result of Monday’s oh-so-special meeting.

And it could cost the city $28 million.

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Watching Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo denounce the repression of the corrupt Cuban regime is like watching elite Cuban officials defend communism while they live like millionaires.

¡Que hipócrita!

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Miami City Commissioner Joe Carollo is likened to Cuba’s Castro brothers and Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro in a lawsuit filed Thursday that claims he uses his office to exact revenge on his political enemies and seeks at least $2.5 million in punitive damages.
Bill Fuller and Martin Pinilla, who own the very popular Ball & Chain lounge and other properties along Calle Ocho and are photographed here with their attorney and tenants, claim in their demand for a jury trial that Carollo has “obliterated” their first amendment rights by “using the power and influence of his government office to engage in a campaign of harassment, retribution and retaliation” simply because they supported his opponent in the 2017 election.
“Carollo’s actions, designed to destroy plaintiff’s businesses and reputations, is pure political payback,” the lawsuit states. “Unchecked retaliation and political payback of this scale would lead the United States down the path of Cuba and Venezuela today.”
The main claim is that Carollo sics the police department, fire department and code enforcement on them for ludicrous and frivolous complaints. As the plaintiffs and their attorney set up for a press conference Thursday morning, a city employee snapped photos from the sidewalk.
The lawsuit also claims that Carollo is in violation of city charter which prohibits commissioners from directing city staff and that he has used city resources for his political vendetta specifically to:

Shut down a Christmas party for employees and tenants and their employees and families, a party that Fuller and Pinilla say city commissioners attended before.
Prevented use of the same shipping containers allowed in Wynwood and by the Miami River, almost destroying a family business operating a wildly popular restaurant called Sanguich.
Shut down the plaintiffs’ tenant Union Beer by sending police and code enforcement personnel to raid their anniversary party
Permanently shut down construction on a kiosk market the plaintiff had invested in after already obtaining city approval
Shut down the wildly popular Viernes Culturales because Fuller is chairman of the board of the non profit
Trespass on plaintiffs property and conduct illegal searches and government surveillance

The lawsuit also claims that Carollo makes anonymous noise complaints against Ball & Chain and has solicited neighbors to make complaints, has sicced code enforcement on the valet company and defamed the plaintiffs on radio, calling Fuller “el Padrino” and saying that he operates like a Godfather backed by Venezuelan criminals, which is a classic Carollo move.
“Carollo has also managed to amend key provisions of the Miami city code to target plaintiffs’ businesses,” the lawsuit states. “Carollo’s stated intention is to drive the plaintiffs out of business, even if he has to destroy the life savings and work of the businesses who rent from the plaintiffs.
“These are not mere allegations,” it continues, adding that there are text messages, emails, photos, videos and the testimony of city employees and one other commissioner to attest to the claims. Some of these are included as exhibits. Former Carollo Chief of Staff Steve Miro seems to be the star witness.
They also have Carollo’s big mouth, since he said he was the “new sheriff in town” and “I am the law.”
The lawsuit also uses the very same violation of free speech lawsuit that Carollo filed against former Doral Mayor Luigi Boria when he was fired as town manager.
It was filed against Carollo as an individual, not a commissioner, and said he should be personally liable for the thousands of dollars or millions that these businesses have lost.
He should also have to pay at least $2.5 million in punitive damages to prevent “such despicable conduct in the future.”

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