Carlos Trujillo among hosts of Trump’s $25k-a-plate dinner

trump fundraiserThe Republican Party is having a fundraising reception and dinner for Donald Trump somewhere in Miami tonight — but you can only know where if you pay $25,000 a plate.

Or you look for the protesters outside.

(Pssst! It’s at the Trump National Doral, of course!)

“And I don’t have any way of getting you in for free,” wrote supporter Juan Fiol, a member of the Miami-Dade Trump Committee, on his Facebook page.

No, for that you would have to contact the hosts, Gov. Rick Scott or lobbyist Brian Ballard or State Rep. Carlos Trujillo. Other hosts on the committee include former FIU President Mitch Maidique, sugar baron Pepe Fanjul Sr., Sunshine Gasoline’s Max Alvarez and lobbyist Syl Lucas.

Trujillo is the only local elected on the list. Maybe he feels emboldened because he is basically unopposed. There’s someone named Patricio Moreno, but he’s unlikely to make a dent, even in the district that went to Obama voters by the widest margin in 2012. Democrats just threw a bunch of challengers in at the last minute, not with any real expectation of winning. They are counting on Republicans staying home but Ladra thinks that just as many Democrats will be loathe to vote for Hillary Clinton. This bodes well for Trujillo, who still has $145,000 left to spend of $226,000 raised compared to the $2,000 that Moreno loaned himself.

Read related story: Rep. Carlos Trujillo draws protests over anti-immigrant bill

And Trujillotrujillotrump is not afraid of comparisons to Trump. Last year, after he proposed legislation that would make undocumented immigrants felons (it failed), Trujillo became the target of immigration rights protesters at his district office.

Many of those protesters will be back in front of the Trump property on 87th Avenue and Northwest 41st Street to protest the presidential nominees immigration policies and racist overtones. Traffic alert: Avoid the intersection at rush hour. The reception begins at 5:30 p.m.

Trump won’t be meeting with the Hispanic leaders he cancelled on when he was supposed to meet with them the day after the Dallas police officers were shot. According to the media reports, some of the Latinos aren’t going to be available. That includes Sen. Marco Rubio, who will be in Boca Raton and Chicago raising money of his own.

So does that mean The Donald will come again before the November election? If so, we need a traffic alert in Doral.