This is Round 2 on who controls development

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A mobile text poll of likely voters in the city of Miami Monday not only gauged the appetite for having another ballot question on a strong mayor form of government, which failed miserably in 2018, but also for a charter change to increase the number of commissioners on the dais from five to seven.

It also tested the favorability of Gloria Suarez, wife to Miami Mayor Francis Suarez.

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It’s good to be the king.

That’s what Miami Mayor Francis Suarez looks like as he jet sets to Egypt for a star-studded billionaire’s wedding and takes in the Miami Grand Prix F1 races, all just days after he testifies in a Securities Exchange Commission investigation into developer Rishi Kapoor, who paid the mayor more than $10K a month as he pushed projects in the city.

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From a Texas border town facing a migrant crisis to the a conference of foreign real estate investors to the Saudi Arabian regime’s investment powwow on South Beach — Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is all over the place.

Except doing what he’s supposed to be doing, which is leading the city.

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He must have been joking, right?

In his State of the City address Tuesday, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez talked about transparency and public trust.

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He should just apologize.

When Miami Mayor Francis Suarez delivers his State of the City address on Tuesday, he should open with a general apology to the residents and business owners who have had to put up with not just the crappy conditions of streets and parks and services, but also the corruption that permeates the dais, the city attorney’s office and even his pay-to-play deals with developers and other business interests.

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