Miami Man founds ‘Deplorables Nation’, plans inaugural ball

If Hillary Clinton and her supporters think they already regret the day she Hillary Clinton say what?uttered the words “basket of deplorables,” they will soon realize things can always get worse.

Sure, there has been an explosion of deplorables t-shirts and mugs and mouse pads. But now there is also a movement that could haunt Democrats for years. 

Deplorables Nation casts itself as the counter to Occupy Democrats and Move On. And it could become an umbrella for millions of people who are suddenly engaged and feel empowered by the election of Donald J. Trump.

The non-profit is the brainchild of Evelio Medina, president of the Miami Brickell Chamber of Commerce and creator of myriad local magazines and websites. He’s always inventing something. And he loves politics. evelioSo the movement was a natural for this lifetime Republican and Cuban-American immigrant.

“It’s not an idea, it’s a movement,” Medina said. “There’s a big group of people who didn’t have a tent. Now they do.”

Does he mean racists? Or homophobes? Probably not. The statement was so sweepingly general that Trump supporters who are not necessarily racists or misogynist or homophobic — and there are some — have taken it as a sort of badge of honor. Seriously. Medina’s said he did some online research that indicated more than 70 million people used the word “deplorables” in a positive manner after Clinton said her famous three little words.

“The bottom line is that we are the proud deplorables.”

Read related story: Man up, people! Trump election protests are misdirected

Never one to pass up an opportunity, Medina seized the term and trademarked Deplorables Nation. But he didn’t really know what to do with it until the idea hit him to have an alternate inaugural ball. This is a guy whose expertise is expos and events. 

The Deplorables Inaugural Ball Jan. 19 will be at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Medina actually thinks the future POTUS will show up. “He might. He owes his election to the deplorables.”

Tickets are $500 or $1,000 for VIP seats, which Ladra assumes are more comfortable and which come with two souvenir packagesdeplorables ball instead of one. It’s interesting that Trump has said his All American Inaugural will be more for the everyman and tickets cost $250-$350. 

What true, self-respecting deplorable would spend $500 on a ticket to a fancy party where the headlining musical act is the country group Saints of Havana?

There are 2,000 tickets for the Deplorable Inaugural Ball so that means that Deplorable Nation stands to raise at least $1 million on this one event alone, that’s not counting the $1,000 tickets or souvenirs. Very Trumpesque of Medina to try to become a millionaire on the POTUS’ coattails.

Medina says the funds raised by the sale of tickets and commemorative souvenirs that can also be bought online will go to the non-profit to push Trump’s agenda — and make sure he stays on track.

“If he gets scattered or distracted, we are here to remind him,” Medina said. 

Well, sure, why wouldn’t he go to your ball now with an invitation like that?