The Cortadito Calendar — marathon meetings and a BBQ
Posted by Admin on Feb 6, 2017 | 0 commentsLast week was interesting. We had a bunch of protests of not just Donald Trump but also Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, who was the first and only big city mayor to acquiese to Trump’s demands on sanctuary cities.
This week, we get to have fun watching Gimenez and Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Esteban “Stevie” Bovo do everything possible to avoid talking about the mayor’s 180-degree turnaround on the county policy, in violation of a county resolution. It’s not on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting because the chairman scheduled a special meeting just for that. Guess they expect it to take a long time, huh?
Ladra has a feeling however, that even though it’s not on the agenda, it will be discussed. If only in public comments. Activists are encouraging people to go and tell Gimenez off while his supporters have also encouraged people (more on that later) to go and show their support for “law and order.”
Let’s hope it doesn’t end in chaos.
As always, please keep sending news about meetings, campaign rallies, political club powwows and other events to This is your Cortadito Calendar, after all.
MONDAY — Feb. 6
3 p.m. — The City of Miami’s Historic & Environmental Preservation Board will meet to receive a presentation, open to the public, of a “historical assessment report” on the Coconut Grove Playhouse. While this is a discussion item only, Playhouse boosters are expected to show up en masse to support continued efforts to restore and reopen the landmark (hopefully more than just the outside facade, or is that battle lost already?). Chairman Keon Hardemon could allow public speakers to make comments — if he’s so inclined. The meeting is in commission chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive.
TUESDAY — Feb. 7
9:30 a.m — The Miami-Dade Commission meets and tries not to talk about that immigration detention thing. Even though there’s a special meeting called just for that on Feb. 17, it’s going to be hard to get through the whole meeting without taling about it just a little bit. Maybe that’s why the agenda is packed with a lot of items to keep commissioners busy. Topping that list is a whole lot of water and sewer contracts related to the consent decree forcing the county to upgrade it’s system. At least six different contracts for a total of more than $50 million (more on that later). There’s also a $38-million contract with Garney Companies on the table for the design, build and installation of a 48-inch diameter water main pipe. Yes, you read that right: A $38-million water main pipe. Also on the agenda: An ordinance creating a special stadium taxing district for the county and Miami Gardens to share, a $1 million grant for the construction of two “replacement libraries” in Doral and Hialeah Gardens, a $6 million contract for roof repairs at Miami International Airport and a $14.5 million “legacy” contract for security communications maintenance at MIA. Yes, you read that right: A $14.5 million contract for security communications maintenance.
9 p.m. — And you thought the debates were over when the president was elected. Wrong. This Tuesday, Democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz — both of whom lost the nomination to run for president — will face off live on CNN in a heated debate about the future of Obamacare. Florida International University students in a group called Turning Point USA Panthers are hosting a “fun watch party” at the Graham Center Pit. But it looks like it may only be fun for Republicans, since they bill it as a debate between “Socialist Senator Sanders and Constitutionalist, Free Market Advocate Senator Ted Cruz” and included the hashtags #BigGovSucks and #FreeMarketsFreePeople. Don’t wear your “I’m with her” button.
9 a.m. — It’s a busy day for the Miami Beach commissioners, who meet to discuss a bunch of things, including an amendment to the city code on maximum building heights and allowable exceptions in commercial zones and the design and development of a skate park at 72nd Street. They will also consider new zoning regulations for West Avenue and the 600 block of Washington Avenue and the purchase of two new “skywatch towers” for the police department and $2 million worth of new equipment for the fire rescue department as well as regulations for sidewalk cafes and a $30 million contract for improvements to West Avenue. Also on the agenda: the second reading for Commissioner Ricky Arriola‘s moratorium on medical marijuana sales (more on that later) and demolition moratoriums on North Beach and on Tatum Waterway properties. Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, who joined protesters of the Gimenez immigration betrayal last week, also plans to ask her colleagues to declare Miami Beach a sanctuary city. Told ya it was a busy day for them. The meeting is in commission chambers at City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive.
9:30 a.m. — Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Esteban Bovo’s Policy Council meets. This board aims to identify critical capital needs and innovative transportation funding solutions, develop a courthouse capital improvement plan and a cohesive and proactive sea level rise response plan as well as work on gun safety.
6 p.m. — It’s the first fundraiser for Coral Gables candidate Mike Mena, and attorney has Congressman Carlos Curbelo and State Rep. Jose Felix Diaz among the hosts. The event is at El Novillo Restaurant on 67th Avenue and Bird Road. Wait a minute. Aren’t there any restaurants inside Coral Gables that are good enough?
SATURDAY — Feb. 11
Noon — The Miami Young Republicans are still celebrating Donald Trump’s victory with a Make America Great Again BBQ at Crandon Park in Key Biscayne to kick off the year. “We will be unveiling our game plan to drive the discussion on South Florida’s most important issues and elect the next class of Young Republicans to local office. If you have been thinking about stepping up your involvement, or want to serve in a club leadership position, this event will provide a great opportunity to speak with board members to join the team,” says the Facebook invitation.